Tuesday, December 30, 2008

OLSF Mission Statement

The Mission of One Laptop South Florida is...

“To inspire children to reach their potential through education by bridging the digital divide.”

We're trying this mission statement on for size. Your input, gentle reader, is much appreciated. ted@naplessocialaction.org

Monday, December 22, 2008

Defining "Ethics."

There's a post on my business blog which readers of this blog might enjoy: www.savvycapitalist.blogspot.com.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

On a much sunnier note...!

I'm not about to log off for the day leaving that last entry at the top of this blog.

Instead, let me introduce you to my friend Kathy Nicklaus' blog: http://canaples.blogspot.com/. Kathy is Executive Director of the Cancer Alliance of Naples; I'm lucky enough to serve on her board, as well as serving as the chairman of the CAN Ride & Walk again this year.

Sign up for the CAN Ride & Walk on the CAN website - which you can access through Kathy's blog!

Trust your gut... and your friends!

I had to walk away from a business endeavor Tuesday. I'll save all details for the book. Suffice it to say, if your instincts tell you something isn't quite right, you should listen. If your friends warn you off doing business with a particular company, you should really listen.

If both are warning you off simultaneously... walk on. It's not meant to be.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Adam Smith Award

I just started a third blog, this one dedicated to The Naples Institute's Adam Smith Award for Socially Conscious Businesses.

I couldn't be more excited to share it with you: www.adamsmithaward.blogspot.com.